Haelan Empowered Blog

Haelan [IPA: 'heɪlɪn] - to heal, to cure, to alleviate anxiety

Empowered - having the knowledge, confidence, ability


What is Akkermansia and Why Is It Crucial for Your Gut Health? Sep 09, 2024

Ever wondered what's really going on inside your gut?

You’ve probably heard a lot about probiotics and the importance of a balanced gut microbiome, but there's one specific bacterium that might not be on your radar yet: Akkermansia muciniphila.

This powerful microbe plays a significant role...

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The Human Microbiome Project Jul 08, 2024


Understanding the Human Microbiome Project: A Key to Women’s Gut Health

Gut health is a vital aspect of overall well-being, especially for women. Recent research has unveiled that the state of our gut can influence everything from digestion to immunity and even mental health. Gut...

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How your Gut Is Tied To Your Immune System Jun 03, 2024

When you learned about the gastrointestinal tract in 5th grade science - what did you learn?

Maybe you learned that the GI tract takes food and turns it into energy; that we digest our food and absorb the nutrients... or maybe you just made a lot of jokes. Here at casa MacLean, that's a majority...

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What is leaky gut...and what can you do about it? May 13, 2024

It's 2pm and you are sitting in a meeting. Your insides are gurgling and you feel so bloated that you could swear you're going to pop! What the h-e-double hockey sticks did you eat for lunch!? Why is your body betraying you! You can't focus on the meeting because all you can think about...

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How Stress Impacts the Immune System Apr 08, 2024

Have you ever gotten sick after a stressful event? Or are you always catching the current cold that is going around the office? Or the illnesses your kids bring home from school or daycare? You know your immunity is a bit off (that's why you're sick) but could it be related to stress? 


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