Haelan Empowered Blog

Haelan [IPA: 'heɪlɪn] - to heal, to cure, to alleviate anxiety

Empowered - having the knowledge, confidence, ability


The Human Microbiome Project Jul 08, 2024


Understanding the Human Microbiome Project: A Key to Women’s Gut Health

Gut health is a vital aspect of overall well-being, especially for women. Recent research has unveiled that the state of our gut can influence everything from digestion to immunity and even mental health. Gut...

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What are Prebiotics Jul 01, 2024

The Power of Prebiotics: Nourishing Your Gut for Optimal Health

According to a 2022 survey by the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), nearly 40% of Americans have experienced digestive health issues that have disrupted their daily lives in the past year. These issues can...

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What is nervous system dysregulation? Mar 11, 2024

As women over 35, the juggling act of managing career, family, and personal well-being can often feel overwhelming. Stress and burnout become familiar companions, impacting not just our mental health but also our physical well-being. At the core of this struggle lies a complex interplay of...

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What is Insulin Resistance? Feb 26, 2024

Insulin resistance is a looming threat to our overall health and wellness as a society. A recent analysis from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in 2021 found that 40% of adults in the US age 18-44 are insulin resistant (Freeman & Pennings, 2023). This is up from...

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How sleep affects cortisol and how cortisol affects sleep. Jan 22, 2024

The Importance of Sleep

It's 10pm and you're ready for bed. You've been tired all day and are soooo ready to get some sleep. You lay down and put your head on the pillow and . . . . nothing. You're thinking through the day, about the day tomorrow, about the imaginary conversation you need to have...

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What Is Cortisol? Jan 08, 2024

Hi, and welcome back! As promised last week, today we are going to talk more about our primary stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol has been given a bit of a bad reputation recently. Have you seen the social posts on the effects of having high cortisol levels? At least in my world, they are...

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What is stress? Jan 01, 2024

One of the major modifiable lifestyle factors that I love addressing with clients is stress. I find that addressing this early on in our work together makes changing other things easier.

Having listening to thousands of patients throughout the years, it's amazing how central the concept of...

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