Haelan Empowered Blog

Haelan [IPA: 'heɪlɪn] - to heal, to cure, to alleviate anxiety

Empowered - having the knowledge, confidence, ability


Probiotics and Gut Health Jun 24, 2024

Probiotics have gained substantial attention in recent years for their potential benefits in gut health. As living microorganisms that confer health benefits to the host, probiotics can play a crucial role in maintaining and restoring gut flora balance (helping treat gut dysbiosis).

But before...

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How to Balance Cortisol with Nutrition Jan 15, 2024

I'll be the first to admit that when I'm stressed out, my focus on nutrition generally has been one of the first things to go. At the height of my anxiety, I decided to take a look at what I was eating. I wrote down what I ate for three days . . . boy, what a wake up call.

No breakfast, two cups...

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