Haelan Empowered Blog

Haelan [IPA: 'heɪlɪn] - to heal, to cure, to alleviate anxiety

Empowered - having the knowledge, confidence, ability


The Gut-Weight Connection: How Your Microbiome Influences Weight Loss Jul 22, 2024

There's an old adage that you hear when it comes to weight loss - "calories in should be less than calories out". I've heard so many people over the years say that they just need to eat less and exercise more to lose weight.  Here's the thing (and I'm putting it in bold because I mean...

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The Role of GLP-1 in Gut Health and Weight Loss Jul 15, 2024


The Role of GLP-1 in Gut Health and Weight Loss


I'm sure you've heard of Ozempic, the miraculous weight loss drug. If not, I have a bit of a concern if you're getting out of the house or reading the news!

This popular medication is very divisive in the healthcare world....

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The Human Microbiome Project Jul 08, 2024


Understanding the Human Microbiome Project: A Key to Women’s Gut Health

Gut health is a vital aspect of overall well-being, especially for women. Recent research has unveiled that the state of our gut can influence everything from digestion to immunity and even mental health. Gut...

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What are Prebiotics Jul 01, 2024

The Power of Prebiotics: Nourishing Your Gut for Optimal Health

According to a 2022 survey by the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), nearly 40% of Americans have experienced digestive health issues that have disrupted their daily lives in the past year. These issues can...

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Probiotics and Gut Health Jun 24, 2024

Probiotics have gained substantial attention in recent years for their potential benefits in gut health. As living microorganisms that confer health benefits to the host, probiotics can play a crucial role in maintaining and restoring gut flora balance (helping treat gut dysbiosis).

But before...

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What is the Migrating Motor Complex Jun 17, 2024

The migrating motor complex (MMC) is a critical component of gastrointestinal (GI) health, yet it often goes unnoticed in discussions about gut health. This housekeeper-like process plays a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy gut environment. 

If the MMC is not working properly, a number...

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What is the Microbiome Jun 10, 2024

Okay- time to shrink down a bit, look inside our gut and maybe blow your mind

Inside your gut lives trillions of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi). These organisms are part of a large community called your microbiota. These organisms have teamed up with us since birth and evolved along...

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How your Gut Is Tied To Your Immune System Jun 03, 2024

When you learned about the gastrointestinal tract in 5th grade science - what did you learn?

Maybe you learned that the GI tract takes food and turns it into energy; that we digest our food and absorb the nutrients... or maybe you just made a lot of jokes. Here at casa MacLean, that's a majority...

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Leaky Gut and Inflammation May 27, 2024

If you've been following along for a bit, you are well aware that I am a firm believer of the maxim "All Health Starts In the Gut". Here's the thing - our digestive system is the primary interface between us and the outside world. Everything we put in it is information for our body. It's also one...

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How does leaky gut impact food sensitivites? May 20, 2024

You've been eating healthy and doing all that you can think of to decrease your bloating, but for some reason it seems like you react to almost everything!  Apples- bloated. Spinach- bloated. Cooked vegetables- bloated! You've nixed gluten, dairy and sugar .... but still - the swollen,...

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