About Haelan Empowered

Meet Haelan Empowered

Haelan [IPA: 'heɪlɪn] - to heal, to cure, to alleviate anxiety

Empowered - having the knowledge, confidence, ability

Here at Haelan Empowered, we take a holistic and integrated approach to addressing gut health. All health starts in the gut and when it gets out of whack... well, IYKYK! 

Based in functional medicine principles, we focus on lifestyle changes that make the biggest impact and bring you sustainable relief. We empower you with knowledge, skills and confidence to make the changes necessary to help you combat your gut symptoms. 

We work with clients one-on-one to address three core components of the self: mind, body, spirit. Addressing these three pieces together, rather than individually, honors our multidimensional nature and allows us to tap into what nurse researcher Janet Quinn described as the Haelan Effect. When we address body, mind and spirit we can move into a receptive state and activate transformative healing. Working closely together we craft a personal, tailored plan incorporating these principles so you can get back to feeling your best! 

1: Physical - This includes work on targeted nutrition, movement and rest. If needed, we use functional medicine testing to get to the root cause of physical symptoms you are experiencing. 

2: Mental- Using concepts based in neurolinguistic programing, we work on altering mindset and creating a new reality. 

3: Spiritual - Focusing on energetic work helps to bring additional balance. This opens creativity and receptivity which are key to problem-solving and sustainable change. 

When we work with clients to address the three primary areas of physical, mental, and spiritual - magic happens....and that gut is happy! 

I Want A Happy Gut!

 Let's Empower You...

Working together closely with someone who holds you accountable is imperative to success. 

Using a systems based approach, we can address the root cause of your gut concerns. Making lifestyle tweaks that work for you and help you to thrive can be an incredible step in the healing journey. While there are always ups and downs and some set backs, the desire for change and growth will serve you well.

Together we will find the things that nourish you. We will find the ways to move your body that support your health. We will work on mindset and mindfulness so you can find your balance.

Having worked with thousands of patients over the years, we know that everyone is different and there is no one size fits all. Let's work together to find what works best for you! 

Let's Do This!